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At the Pediatrician




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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (up to age 18). ACEs can include adversities such as abuse, neglect, and household challenges like growing up in a home with incarceration, mental illness or substance dependence. Toxic stress from ACEs can change brain development and affect how the body responds to stress. ACEs are strongly associated with some of the most common, serious, and costly health conditions facing our society today; however, ACEs can be prevented.

About ACEs

About ACEs
  • Office Assistant Intern
    Assist with office operations, including database management, policy development, answer email inquiries, organize and archive records, and track office supplies inventory. Put organizational skills and interpersonal skills to use by assisting with special office projects. Learn about development of contracts and budgeting. Bilingual intern can assist with translation of resources to Spanish.
  • Data/Research Intern
    The Intern will primarily be responsible for the collection, aggregation, and analysis of data. The Research Intern will also perform other duties such as data entry, and administrative duties such as filing, record keeping, photocopying, and creating flyers/posters. Work requires organizational skills, knowledge of basic mathematical, data collection and analysis, and research principles.
  • Grant Intern
    Intern will be passionate to learn about the nonprofit space. Duties include searching for grants appropriate to our cause, proposal development and writing, filling out grant applications, accurate and timely production of final proposals, and weekly progress reports. Learn how to research, identify, and vet private and public funding opportunities for the organization.
  • Marketing & PR Intern
    Assist with creation, design and development of brochures, training flyers, resources and handouts. Assist with the development and acquisition of prevention informative resources. Research and develop media contacts and PR announcements. Work with prevention task forces in development of PR materials. Assist with special annual project Child Abuse Prevention 5K Walk Run.
  • Outreach and Special Events Intern
    Assist with the development of materials for child abuse and violence prevention for presentations, trainings and outreach events. Assist in the development of quarterly newsletter through research of prevention articles. Help with preparation, setup of meetings, training workshops, community events and outreach. Base on intern availability, participate in training workshops as service learning in strengthening families, protective factors and reporting of elder, child and dependent adult abuse. Attend and participate in The Partnership Prevention Task Forces: Family Violence Prevention and Youth Engagement Development.
  • Technology/Social Media Intern
    Assist with system technology improvement of programs and hardware. Assist with system issues. Research and assist with improvement of website and social media. Assist with research of new software or upgrades. Assist with database management and recommendations. Intern will research and post current articles and topics on social media and website.
Female Doctor


Medical Providers

Participating medical agencies have noted an abundance of families who exhibit high ACEs risk factors, along with a lack of clarity on how to support patients beyond the identification process. Their feedback reinforces the need for a dimensional approach to link families with appropriate support structures. Learn about opportunities for training in ACEs Aware Trama-Informed Care and how to connect patients with a personalized care plan to begin healing, build resilience, and stop the generational tendencies which lead to ACEs.  

Smiling Girl

Get Help

It is our goal to expand our evidence-based model of leveraging and linking families with high ACEs risk factors to aligned support structures in a way that honors the needs and capacity of families in crisis.

Get Help

The Child Abuse Prevention Council; The Partnership For Safe Families and Communities is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Ventura County, California that focuses on child abuse and family/community violence prevention. As a multi-disciplinary team, we function as a major collaborating, coordinating, networking, educational, outreach, and communication resource for children in Ventura County.  We provide a safe place for families as they deal with varied ACE factors, furthering our mission, “To promote a community committed to safe, healthy and peaceful families.”


The Partnership is committed to protecting children, communities, and families; giving hope to those seeking to break the sometimes-generational bonds of abuse, poverty and trauma. The Partnership for Safe Families and Communities of Ventura County is ready to expand the impact of ACEs resourcing in Ventura County through the creation of support structures that add intentional organization and relational support into the care connection process. We've assembled a team of professionals from various organizations throughout the county to create and strengthen the network of care for families in crisis and for identified individuals with high ACE scores who may be at increased risk of developing certain health conditions as a result of early childhood trauma and toxic stress.  

Our Mission

Lead Partners

The ACEs Aware Network of Care strives to bring the very best in Trama-Informed Care to our community by uniting various organizations and care coordination teams with healthcare providers to ensure each family and individual receives the resources necessary for healing and support.

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