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How to Report Abuse

To report Child Abuse & Neglect, Dependent Adult, and Elder Abuse call (805)654-3200 or in case of emergency call 911

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How to Report Abuse

To report Child Abuse & Neglect, Dependent Adult, and Elder Abuse call (805)654-3200 or in case of emergency call 911

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Child abuse & neglect

comes in many forms

Physical abuse: Injuries to children that are not accidental such as bruises, burns, broken bones, etc.


Physical neglect: Not providing children with enough food, clothing, shelter, medical care, hygiene, supervision, etc.


Sexual abuse: Using a child for the sexual needs of adults: exposing, fondling, intercourse, pornography, sexual stimulation, etc.


Emotional abuse: Attacking a child's self-esteem: constant criticizing, yelling, belittling, insulting, rejecting and withholding love, support & help. 

What must be reported:

Any of the below acts involving anyone under the age of 18:

  • physical abuse

  • sexual abuse

  • emotional abuse

  • neglect

The mandated reporter must only have reasonable suspicion that a child has been mistreated; no evidence or proof is required prior to making a report.


How to report

By phone: Immediately, or as soon as possible, make a telephone report to child welfare services and/or to a Police or Sheriff's department. In case of emergency call 911.


Child Welfare Services Ventura County

24-hour hotline (805) 654-3200


Ventura County Police Department

(805) 339-4400


Ventura County Sheriff's Department

(805) 654-9511


In Writing: Within 36 hours, a written report must be sent, faxed, or submitted electronically. To complete a written report please fill out Form 8572 available below or online here.


Mandated Reporting Easy Steps

Mandated Reporters

Information & Resources

Safeguards for Mandated Reporters

The Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act states that the name of the mandated reporter is strictly confidential, although it is provided to investigative parties working on the case.


As long as a report is filed in good faith, a mandated reporter cannot be held liable in civil or criminal court.


Failure to Report

Failure to report concerns of child abuse or neglect is considered a misdemeanor and is punishable in California by six months in jail and/or up to a $1000 fine.


For the complete law and a list of mandated reporters refer to California Penal Codes 11164-11174.3.

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